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Seafight bot 2.51 - Seafight Discussion - SCAR Divi Forums

2012年5月13日  actualy this is an excelent bot but now it is almost detectable.Bigpoint has addad some special glitters and this bot is made to take every shine in see.When it takes


[Release] Krakn Bot Seafight - elitepvpers

2024年2月12日  Posts: 51. Received Thanks: 7. [Release] Krakn Bot Seafight (Open source) Since all bots currently are detected and they are also paid, I made this bot as an


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Seafight bot 2.51 - Seafight Discussion - SCAR Divi Forums

2012年5月13日  1.NET Framework 4.0 (if you have older versions like 3.5 or 3.0 or the bot crash after login, uninstall them and install this). Download Windows installer 3.1 at least (for Windows XP users). Download 2. Bot runterladen und entpacken. 3. seafightbot.exe starten. 4. Logindaten eingeben und auf "Lo...


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